Thursday, November 6, 2014

John Kotch Regularly Beats His Children

This is an example of how terrible people can be.  It's just awful.  Sometimes people can do deceptive things that are quite offensive and get away with it.  Like when someone writes an article with a clearly deceptive headline.

You see, John Kotch may have some misguided views, but one thing he is is a good father.  He teaches his children that you can't win them all, so he's careful to sometimes let them lose in board games and other activities like sports that have scores, when he plays with them.  This is an important life lesson that must be learned - sometimes, you have to beat your kids at board games and other activities that keep score.  Nobody else will let them win all the time, so you can't either.

Like John Kotch, you should all beat your children regularly.